Founder Dr Anna Mandozzi
Who is behind BIOMAZING™?

Founder Dr Anna Mandozzi has been behind BIOMAZING™ since 2010. Anna embodies BIOMAZING™. And that is no coincidence, because she has stood for BIOMAZING™ with her values and her name for almost 10 years.
Anna knows the industry like hardly anyone else. When natural cosmetics were still in their infancy in Europe, the trained lawyer, who studied at Harvard University, was the first to launch many brands on the European market. She has witnessed the development of the industry and, above all, helped to create itEveryone knows deodorant creams and konjac sponges today? Anna was the first to bring them to Europe!
Anna's wish at the time was High-quality, effective and innovative products accessible to everyone. It has always been her goal that natural cosmetics should be found in the best shops instead of in the organic shop next to the chiller cabinet.
Today, as a long-standing industry expert, she deals with market launches, sales concepts, retail, marketing and, finally, product development and consulting.